September 15, 2012
Basic SOZO Training- REFRESHER Catch the Fire Raleigh 9225 Leesville Rd Raleigh, NC 27613 See event details and register below. |
Event DetailsGoal
The goal of the Refresher Training is to help better equip persons who have recently started a SOZO ministry or who are considering starting a SOZO ministry. We will provide a review of the Basic SOZO tools, do a demo SOZO session for attendees to observe the tools in practice and conduct Q&A session. Pre-work While not required, please submit questions by September 8th. Label as "Questions for Refresher Training" and submit using our Contact Form. Schedule (subject to change) Saturday, September 15 8:45 - 9:00 - Check-in 9:00 - 12:00 - Morning Session 12:00 -1:30 - Lunch (on your own) 1:30 - 5:00 - Afternoon Session Registration Fee $25.00 Payment optionsPlease submit payment for registration.
Options: 1. Pay Now below Secure payment. PayPal account not required. 2. Send check or money order to: His High Call Ministries PO Box 91233 Raleigh, NC 27675 Please include "REFRESHER", name of primary registered person and number of registrations with check or money order. Pay Now Please enter the number of registrations below. NOTE: Enter the total cost for all registrations on PayPal order form and hit 'update' to show the total for the order. The order quantity will show a "1" regardless of number registered. |
QuestionsIf you have questions about the training, please submit your questions via the Contact Form or call 919-904-4426.